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Barley Cereals: Health Benefits and Contraindications

Barley, a cereal used mainly in brewing, has also found use in cooking. Crushed barley grains are called barley groats. Barley grains are first cleaned of chaff. After crushing we get sharp grains of different shapes. The resulting crumbly mass is not ground.

Barley grits: what does it look like and what is it made of?

Barley groats is a grain crop, a subspecies of barley groats.

Barley Grits

What does it look like

It looks like small particles of broken grains of different shapes and sizes, white and yellow in color.

What kind of cereal is made of.

Whole grains of barley grain with the help of a crushing machine are processed into groats, which is called barley groats. It can be divided into first, second and third grade, depending on the size of the grains.

Video: The benefits of barley grits - scientific facts and research Expand

What is the difference between barley and pearl barley and wheat groats

Pearl and barley grits are made from the same cereal, but they are not the same. The distinctive features are the size of grits, processing methods, cooking time and content of useful substances for the body.

As for barley groats, they undergo minimal technical processing. Ungrinded grains are involved in its production. During production, barley is harvested, which goes through a process of purification from blossom films and various other impurities, then it is crushed to a coarse-sized crumb. At the same time, the bulk of the plant fiber retains its properties in the product, which is a great value among cereals.

Barley grits have an irregular shape and pointed edges. While pepper grits are distinguished by the opposite smooth and rounded shape of grits. Such are obtained during the processing of barley, its cleaning from membranes, grinding and polishing grains. It takes twice as much time to prepare such groats as barley groats.

Wheat groats, in turn, differs radically from barley groats in that they are made from wheat grains. When processed, the crushed grains acquire a uniform consistency. There are several types of wheat grits:

  1. Arnautica. It consists of durum wheat.
  2. Bulgur .. This type of wheat grits is steamed and each grain is cleaned of bran.
  3. Artec. The grains of this cereal are thoroughly ground and milled.
  4. Flakes. This type of wheat grits is not only steamed but also pressed.

Also, wheat and barley cereals differ from each other in their chemical composition, number of calories, and color. However, both are useful not only in cooking, but also in cosmetics and folk medicine.

Composition and calories

In terms of composition, barley grits is considered the most balanced. It includes all the necessary nutrients for the human body and its health. It contains a large amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, essential minerals (potassium, sulfur, magnesium, copper, calcium) and amino acids. The caloric value of the product is 313 kilocalories per 100 grams of groats.

Benefits and harms of barley groats

Vitamins that are included in the composition of barley gruel beneficial to the human body individually.

The benefits and harms of barley grits


  1. B-group vitamins help the nervous system to function favorably, supply the brain with nutrients, produce protective properties for the skin, improve sleep and appetite.
  2. Vitamins of group "E" take part in all biochemical processes of the body.
  3. Vitamins of group "PP" improve blood circulation and do not let skin diseases.
  4. Infusion of barley groats is considered to be an antibacterial natural remedy for fungal diseases. Protein plays an important role in barley grits. It is a source of essential amino acids for the human body.
  5. The content in the product of such substance as fiber allows the digestive system to work properly and keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time. A large amount of dietary fiber in cereals also removes harmful substances that are inside the person, eliminating constipation.
  6. Regular consumption strengthens the structure of hair and nails.
  7. Barley groats are also consumed as a dietary product by people who want to get rid of excess weight.
  8. The mineral potassium contained in buckwheat allows excess fluid to leave the body and strengthens muscles of the cardiac system. And the content of magnesium normalizes the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, gives a relaxing effect to a tense body.

Harms and contraindications

Despite its useful qualities, barley groats should not be eaten by people with such a rare hereditary disease as glycine encephalopathy.

It is not advised to add groats to the diet of pregnant women, as its regular consumption increases the risk of premature birth.

What you can make with grits

Barley grits in cooking in most cases are cooked with water and used as a dietary dish. But it can also be baked in the oven with the addition of butter, sugar and nuts. Cooked porridge is in good harmony with honey or sour cream. Will not spoil the taste of such a product and added milk or various kinds of jam.

Barley grits porridge

Recipes that include barley porridge, a sufficient number. Every housewife knows what to pamper her housemates with such groats. For example, you can prepare such dishes:

  • Barley porridge with milk, cooked in a multicooker;
  • barley cakes;
  • kvass;
  • soup with barley grits and pickles;
  • Fish soup with barley grits;
  • Barley grits with rice and stew;
  • with liver;
  • Kissel from a mixture of different grains, which includes barley.

Barley grits is a very useful product, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. Therefore, when buying it, you should always pay attention to the expiration date. At home, it should be stored in the dark, in a dry hermetically sealed container.

«Important: All the information on this site is given for information purposes only. for informational purposes only. Consult with a health care professional before applying any recommendations. Consult a health care professional before using any of the recommendations. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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