Oat flakes: useful properties and recipes
Oats are considered to be the most unique cereal. Both its shell and the inner part contain a large set of nutrients that have a positive effect on the human body. That is why oat flakes are so popular. Oatmeal, cooked on the basis of this product, cleanses the digestive tract and has a mass of other positive qualities. Let's consider in detail what is unique about oat flakes.
- Types of oat flakes
- What is the difference between oat flakes and Hercules
- Composition and calories
- What are the benefits of oat flakes
- General benefits
- For Women
- For Men
- While pregnant
- For breastfeeding
- For children
- Weight loss
- The benefits of oat flakes porridge
- Is milk from oat flakes useful?
- Oat Flakes in Medicine
- For Diabetes Mellitus
- For pancreatitis
- For Gastritis
- For the Intestines
- For constipation
- For cholecystitis
- Oat Flakes in Cosmetology
- For Face
- For Hair
- Hazards and Contraindications
- How to choose and store oat flakes
- What can be made of oat flakes: Recipes
- Porridge
- Cookies
- Cutlets
- Pancakes
- Pancakes
- Kissel
- Muesli
- Bread
- Smoothies
- Kvas
- Oat milk
- Oat broth
- Do I have to wash my oats before cooking?
- Can I eat dried oat flakes?
- Can we give oat flakes to animals?
- Interesting facts about oats
Types of oat flakes
There are about 40 types of oats that are processed and used to make oat flakes or the world-famous "Hercules". The best known and most in demand are the following types:
- Oat flakes "Extra" No. 1 are made from whole, coarse grains. This kind of grain is the most useful because it contains the most fiber.
- "Extra" No. 2 is much smaller than "Extra" No. 1, as they are made from cut grits.
- Oat flakes "Extra" #3 have the smallest size and the ability to quickly digest. The production technology also implies the use of cut grits. This type is most often used to prepare porridge for children.
- Hercules flakes have a smooth texture. This type cannot be used for cooking in a microwave oven. The flakes require a longer cooking time. In the production process they undergo thermal treatment with steam, so they do not contain almost any useful components.
- Flaked oats are similar to oatmeal "Hercules", but differs in that the production process passes through a grooved rollers, which flatten the groats and form a corresponding pattern on it.
- Unshredded groats are practically not found in conventional stores. It is the most useful of all the listed types, which resembles by its properties to a whole grain.
What is the difference between oat flakes and "Hercules"
The "Hercules" themselves are oat flakes. The only difference is that "Hercules" are processed to remove bran, which contains B vitamins and fiber. Then the grains undergo a high-temperature heat treatment with steam to reduce the cooking time.
But despite the loss of a large number of useful components, still the positive qualities of the product remain. First of all, "Hercules" is a dietary type product, which is recommended for people with excess weight. In addition, in the process of processing there is not the destruction of all the useful components, and the use of such porridge is much more useful than rolls or sandwiches.
Composition and calories
Oat flakes are the most popular product made on the basis of oats. All people from a young age are familiar with oatmeal, which fills the body with energy and replenishes strength. The composition of oat flakes is quite diverse.
Immediately worth considering the fact that the well-known cleansing properties of oat flakes arise due to the accumulation of dietary coarse fiber in the raw material. Consumption of this food cleanses the intestines from stagnation and fecal stones, as well as absorbs and removes toxic components.
The B vitamins contained in the flakes are not unimportant. Their content helps a lot to normalize the psycho-emotional background and eliminate insomnia. These vitamins also have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and teeth.
Oatmeal is also rich in iodine, the consumption of which prevents the risk of thyroid disease. In addition, it has a favorable effect on brain function and improves physical activity.
Cooked oatmeal contains a large amount of vitamins A and E. These substances are known for their natural antioxidant properties, which improve the condition of the skin, hair and body in general.
Large quantities of oatmeal also contain minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is also worth noting that the product does not contain gluten, which is important for people with celiac disease.
Most of the composition of oat flakes is filled with complex carbohydrates. The caloric value of 100 grams of oatmeal is 323 kcal.
What are oatmeal flakes useful for
General health benefits
The content in oat flakes of a large amount of dietary fiber of the coarse type has invaluable benefits for the body. This is due to the fact that these components when entering the stomach immediately begin to absorb liquid, thereby beginning to significantly increase in size. Then, when passing through the intestines, the coarse fibers collect all the accumulated toxins and toxins and gradually cleanse the body.
The fiber contained in the product normalizes the intestinal and digestive system. It is also an excellent remedy used for preventive purposes against constipation. Thanks to the high content of phosphorus is the production of energy necessary for the work of all organs. In addition, the product significantly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
The inclusion of oatmeal in the daily diet is a good prevention of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Also normalizes the work of the nervous system, increases the body's defenses.
For women
The most important benefit of flakes is that they fill the body with energy and vigor due to their high carbohydrate content. Also, due to the large amount of vitamins and trace elements in the composition, there is a normalization of the metabolism.
As you know, every woman wants to maintain its slimness, so the use of oat flakes is indispensable here. They help to organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and proteins and fiber, contained in the product, do not work on building up the fat layer, and the development and strengthening of muscle tissue. Vitamin B makes it easier to digest food.
There are benefits of oat flakes for the urogenital and endocrine systems. Diabetes mellitus is also worth consuming the product because it has a low glycemic index. When consumed correctly and in the right doses, oatmeal-based porridge helps to cope with many diseases.
Scientists have proved that oatmeal helps to produce serotonin. This component improves mood and fights against depression.
For men
Men's bodies differ from women's bodies in many ways, so the diet should be composed individually. Due to the fact that the strong sex needs to constantly maintain the muscle mass of the body at the proper level, the consumption of food containing protein, potassium, vitamin D will be required.
To ensure that reproductive function without failure, you need to consume products that contain natural aphrodisiacs and hormones. To improve the protective function of the man should pay attention to the food containing lycopene, zinc, antioxidants.
In the absence of such an essential acid as tryptophan in the body, the risk of cancer or tuberculosis increases. It is known that oats are a source of vitamin B1, selenium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus and fiber. Therefore, if a man often consumes oatmeal, it significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
When pregnant
Oat flakes are the most recommended product during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that they contain a large set of vitamins and trace elements that are important for the female body during the period of carrying a child.
The most important of these include the following:
- Iron - helps to prevent anemia in a woman, eliminates the possibility of oxygen deprivation in the fetus.
- Folic acid - works to prevent birth defects in children.
- Fiber - eliminates the need for medications in case of problems with the digestive system or constipation.
- Vitamin B6 - helps to cope with toxicosis or stress.
- Niacin or riboflavin - has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails.
Oat flakes can harm the health of the mother-to-be only if the product is consumed in unlimited quantities. In the ready state, the daily norm of porridge for a pregnant woman is 300 grams.
When breastfeeding
After childbirth, the female body is in complete exhaustion. During this period, he needs to go through a very rapid recovery. Here it will be difficult to do without oatmeal flakes, as they will replenish the body's reserves of energy, as well as contribute to the accelerated healing of birth injuries. But the beginning of the meal for a nursing mother should be very careful, preferably using "Extra" No. 1 or "Hercules". Cook porridge can only be made with water.
At the initial stage, the mother should use very little porridge (no more than 2 tablespoons) and carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If there are no colic or rashes on the body, do not change the stool, oatmeal can be introduced into the diet in full.
The optimal portion for a nursing mother is 200 to 250 grams of already cooked food. Such a quantity will not overload the digestive system and will not lead to increased gas formation. The introduction into the diet of oat flakes on milk for nursing mothers is allowed only when the baby reaches three months of age.
For babies
For the first time, children begin to get acquainted with oatmeal porridge at breastfeeding age. Here it is used as the first complementary food. For this purpose, oat flakes are ground in a blender into flour and cooked with milk or water. After the child reaches one year of age, porridge preparation no longer requires grinding the main product.
For children's diets oat flakes are used when preparing soups or various desserts in the form of casseroles, pies or kissels. But the most useful is still considered to be oatmeal, which is served for breakfast.
American nutritionists even conducted studies that showed that the students aged 9 to 11 years, who regularly consume oatmeal for breakfast in the morning, are more active in the classes, and in connection with this their level of knowledge is much higher.
When losing weight.
Due to the nutritional characteristics of oat flakes, they can be called a universal product used in many popular and effective diets. If you include porridge in your daily diet on water, without adding butter, salt and sugar, then the caloric content of the daily diet is significantly reduced, protein metabolism in the body is accelerated, and the amount of fat deposits is reduced and muscle mass is increased.
Oat flakes are often used as the main and only product for a mono-diet. Its essence is that during the day you need to consume 250 grams of oatmeal porridge 5 times a day. The duration of the diet is 5 days. As a result, it is possible to reduce body weight by 5 or 6 kg. But you should not hope for a miracle, because such starvation can also cause harm to the body, so it is worth carefully studying the contraindications and possible negative effects.
The benefits of oatmeal porridge
The benefit of oatmeal porridge is invaluable. Its main effect is aimed at:
- To reduce cholesterol levels thanks to the beta-glucan contained in the composition.
- Prevention of cancer.
- Improvement of the cardiovascular system and lungs.
- The possibility of rapid weight loss.
- Replenishment of the body with protein, especially when it is impossible or undesirable to eat meat dishes.
- Improving the condition of the skin, reducing its irritability, and even helping to combat eczema.
- The saturation of the body with essential micronutrients and vitamins.
In order for the listed useful qualities of the product to really manifest themselves, cereal for cooking porridge should be selected correctly.
Is milk from oat flakes useful?
Oat milk is a drink made on the basis of oat flakes and water. Sometimes it is supplemented with salt, vitamins and vegetable oil. The oats give most of their nutrients to the drink during the manufacturing process. It is suitable for people with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, because it has enveloping properties.
What are the benefits of oat milk? Let's look at the main indicators:
- Compared with cow's milk, oatmeal drink has a very low caloric content, so it can safely be included in the dietary diet.
- There is a possibility of using it for vegetarians.
- The benefit of the drink is almost the same as that of oatmeal, due to the identical set of useful components such as B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, silicon.
- It does not contain lactose, which for people with intolerance of this component is a very important factor.
- The product has an excellent antioxidant effect.
- The drink is easy to prepare even at home.
Milk from oat flakes in recent years is in great demand among fans of proper nutrition, as well as vegetarians.
Oat flakes in medicine
In various pathologies and diseases, dietary nutrition is an important part of the treatment. For example, the period after cavity surgery requires a strict diet, in which the main product is porridge based on oatmeal flakes. The same dish is applicable for pathologies of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, kidney or liver disease. What are the benefits of oat flakes for each disease?
In Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a dietary program is prescribed in which the glucose level is under special control. Only the coarse dietary fiber present in oatmeal can accomplish this task. In addition to oatmeal, diabetics are allowed to eat pastries or other desserts that use oatmeal flakes.
At one time there were even scientific studies, thanks to which it was proved that oatmeal porridge for type 1 diabetics with regular daily use helps to reduce the insulin dose.
Important: The glycemic index of oatmeal is 55 units.
For pancreatitis
The inflammatory process in the pancreas is accompanied by a violation of enzymatic functions, which harms the entire digestive system. For such patients, an obligatory condition of treatment is the observance of a sparing diet. The acute form of the disease in the first day requires even starvation. But on the second day, the use of liquid soup based on oat flakes is allowed.
In pancreatitis, the observance of a diet with the use of oatmeal porridge removes toxins and slags, without creating a load on the pancreas. And thanks to the viscosity of the dish, it creates protection for the stomach from the detrimental action of bile.
In order to avoid the aggravation of the inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach, in such a disease, the use of fatty and spicy food is prohibited. But here oatmeal porridge is necessarily recommended to be included in the diet.
When such food is consumed within 24 hours, the inflammatory process will go down. In addition to porridge or soup, you can also include in your diet oat milk, kissels or other cereal-based desserts.
For the intestines.
Severe sluggishness of the intestines leads to the deterioration of the body as a whole. This problem can be solved with oatmeal. For the purification process to be as effective as possible, it is worth every morning on an empty stomach to eat ground into flour oat flakes, brewed with one glass of boiling water. Only the addition of salt or sugar is not recommended.
In case of constipation
Regularly occurring constipation can lead to intoxication of the entire body. To combat this problem, it is recommended to introduce oatmeal flakes, cooked by any method, into the diet. Thanks to the highest content of fiber, the product envelops the entire mucous part of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to restore the performance of the intestines.
In cholecystitis.
In the first days of the acute manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the intake of food to the very minimum. This will reduce the level of painful sensations. But after 2 days, it will already be possible to introduce a mucous aqueous decoction based on oat flakes. Then after a noticeable improvement, you can switch to light oatmeal soups and porridge.
Oat Flakes in Cosmetology
Often many cosmetic lines release products based on oats. And this is not surprising, because their action is aimed at nutrition, normalization of cell metabolism, reduction of inflammation and healing of micro-traumas.
On the basis of oat flakes are made all kinds of creams, tonics, shampoos, scrubs, gels. But no one interferes with the preparation of cosmetics themselves at home. Regular use of such funds can achieve tangible results and make good competition for any expensive creams. Their preparation is simple enough and does not require the purchase of expensive components and time consuming.
For the face
Thanks to self-cooked means on the basis of oatmeal flakes skin becomes firm, taut, retains a long time its youth and beauty. Also popular are scrubs that clean pores and moisturize the skin.
In order to prepare a scrub, you need to do the following steps:
- Grind ½ cup of oat flakes into flour and pour it into a convenient glass or plastic container.
- Add ½ cup of powdered milk and mix thoroughly.
- To prepare a scrub for single use in a separate container pour 2 teaspoons of the prepared composition and mix them with 2 teaspoons of purified water. Mix until the consistency of a homogeneous mixture.
- The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face and neck with light massaging movements. Massage for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Thanks to this product the skin is gently cleansed of impurities. If you want to exfoliate the dead areas of the epidermis in the composition you can also add a little coarse salt or ground almonds.
Very effective and facial masks, which provide assistance in the care of any skin type. For dry skin, the preparation of the mask is as follows:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of oat flakes with 3 tablespoons of milk or sour cream.
- Allow time for the flakes to soak in moisture and begin to swell, then apply to the face and neck.
- Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Prepared by the above recipe mask perfectly nourishes the skin, moisturizes and fills it with a supply of useful components.
To clean dry and normal skin from traces of chapped skin, prepare the following composition:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of ground oat flakes with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of cow's milk.
- Mix thoroughly and apply to face and neck. Keep on the skin for 25-30 minutes.
- Rinse off with lukewarm water.
To refresh oily skin you need to mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of milk of minimum fat content. Stir the composition, and then add 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. Stir and massage over your face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with cool water.
For hair
Masks and decoctions based on oat flakes for hair provide care for the scalp, restore the structure of the hair shaft, as well as give shine and elasticity.
To prepare a mask that promotes hair growth, you need:
- Grind 20 grams of oat flakes into a powder.
- Add 20 grams of ground red pepper and 20 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Mix the composition thoroughly.
- Spread the prepared mixture on your hair and keep until you feel a slight tingling sensation on the head.
For rinsing it is desirable to use henna infusion.
To prepare the composition, which gives the hair thickness and volume, you need:
- Pour 20 grams of oat flakes with hot green tea and leave it for 20 minutes.
- Then add 15 grams of rose clay and 10 drops of essential peppermint oil.
- Mix and using a sponge, distribute the composition on the root of the hair. Leave it on for half an hour.
It is recommended to wash off such a mask with a hibiscus-based infusion. It is recommended to use the described mask from 3 to 7 times a month.
To restore the texture of hair after using paint or sunburn, you need to prepare the following composition:
- Beat 2 chicken eggs with a mixer, then add 20 ml of heavy cream and whip the mass again.
- Add 35 grams of ground oats. Stir.
- Moisten the hair evenly and then apply the prepared mixture evenly. Cover with polyethylene, then wrap in a towel and leave for half an hour.
To remove the mask from the hair, it is recommended to use an infusion based on hawthorn.
Harms and contraindications
Despite all the invaluable benefits of oat flakes, there are some contraindications:
- First of all, it is important to remember that oatmeal can not be consumed by everyone. It is contraindicated for people who have gluten enteropathy. This is due to the fact that the cereal contains proteins that destroy the villi present in the small intestine, which leads to disorders of the digestive process. All this leads to the occurrence of food allergies.
- It is not recommended to eat oatmeal if you have kidney or heart failure.
- Taking oatmeal in unlimited quantities can be detrimental even to a healthy body, because an overabundance can lead to problems with the absorption of calcium.
You should be especially careful with instant oat flakes, because they are deprived of their useful components due to multiple processing and contain additives that can harm your health.
How to choose and store cereal
When choosing flakes for yourself, it is important to take into account that the stronger the processing of flakes, the less useful properties are left in them. Therefore, you should not count on the usefulness of the product, which for cooking it is enough only to pour boiling water. It can even cause harm because of the preservatives and sweeteners present in the composition.
It is ideal if the oat flakes are purchased in a transparent package. This way you can visually determine the quality of the product. It is not recommended to consume porridge from a cardboard box. This is due to the fact that oatmeal absorbs moisture, due to which there is a destruction of its useful properties.
You should also pay attention to the coarseness of the flakes. The coarser they are, the longer it takes to cook the porridge. At the same time, it turns out much tastier.
For storage, it is important that the flakes be hermetically sealed. This is due to the fact that they absorb moisture, which negatively affects the contained useful components. It is also possible to perfectly preserve cereals in the freezer.
The storage period should be about 4 months from the date of production of the product.
What to make with oat flakes: Recipes
Dish made on the basis of oat flakes is not only useful, but also delicious. Such dishes are especially in demand in the morning for breakfast. But it can be not only the traditional oatmeal, but also all kinds of pancakes, pancakes, casseroles and much more.
When cooking porridge based on oat flakes, it is important to read the recommendations specified by the manufacturer on the package.
The step-by-step preparation of porridge is as follows:
- In a saucepan, mix 200 ml of water and 200 ml of milk. Put it on the stove and bring it to boiling temperature.
- Pour 100 grams of oat flakes, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt to taste. Stir.
- Bring back to boiling temperature and stir.
- Turn off the heat, put the lid on the pot and leave it for a while.
This simple recipe for cookies allows you to get a delicious and flavorful dessert without much effort. The preparation is as follows:
- Mix in a container 150 grams of soft butter with ½ cup of granulated sugar. Mix until homogeneous.
- Add to the mass 2 chicken eggs, and again stir everything thoroughly.
- Then pour 1 ½ cups of oatmeal. Stir the mixture with a spoon.
- Mix 1 ½ cups of flour with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and pour it into the mass. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- Cover the container with the viscous dough with plastic wrap and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
- Then form balls of dough, place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet, greased with butter, and press them slightly to form scones.
- Place in an oven heated to 200°C and bake for 25 minutes.
The resulting cookies have a golden crust on the outside and a sweet crumbly texture on the inside.
To prepare the cutlets you will need:
- Oat flakes in the amount of 1 cup pour boiling water and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
- One onion, one potato, one carrot peel, wash and chop, using a fine grater.
- Chop a bunch of herbs with a sharp knife, and 2 garlic cloves through a press.
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
- Make patties and fry them on a pan until golden brown on both sides.
- Then put the lid on the frying pan and steam the patties for 5 minutes.
To prepare the pancakes, you need to do the following steps:
- One and a half cups of oat flakes put in a convenient container and pour ½ l of milk. Leave for 1 hour so that the flakes absorb the milk and soften.
- Beat 2 hen's eggs with 2 tablespoons of sugar, and then send them to the oatmeal flakes.
- Peel the apple and cut into small pieces. Also send it to the dough and mix well.
- Spoon the batter onto a heated frying pan with oil and fry until golden brown on both sides.
To prepare the pancakes you need to do the following steps:
- Prepare a bowl for the batter, in it pour 1 cup of oat flakes and pour 2 cups of hot water. Thoroughly mix the mass. Cover with hot water and leave for 15 minutes.
- Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt.
- Add an egg and mix the mass again, thoroughly.
- Now it is the turn of the flour. Pour in 8 tablespoons gradually, remembering to stir the dough constantly.
- Add ½ teaspoon of baking powder and a little cinnamon. Stir very thoroughly. Then peel the apple and cut it into small cubes with a knife. Add to the batter and mix.
- In a frying pan with a little vegetable oil, fry the pancakes on both sides.
Kissel made from oat flakes turns out very useful and tasty. Its preparation consists of the following steps:
- One cup of oat flakes grind with a blender until you get flour. Pour three glasses of cold water, stir, cover and send to a warm room for 10 hours.
- Then strain the composition through a sieve.
- Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, add 1/3 teaspoon salt and bring, stirring, on the stove to boiling temperature. Cook for 5 minutes.
- Spread into silicone molds, leave until cool, and then place in the refrigerator.
Ready kissel easily holds its shape. Serve it with jam or honey.
To prepare it you need:
- 100 grams of oat flakes poured into a container, add 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and 50 grams of almonds.
- Add 3 tablespoons of natural honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
- Gently mix the ingredients.
- Put parchment paper on a baking tray and arrange the mixture in an even thin layer.
- Place the baking tray in an oven heated to 180°C and leave for 12 minutes.
- During this time it is worth stirring the mixture several times to prevent the formation of lumps.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Assemble in a bowl, if you want you can add walnuts, dried apricots and raisins.
To prepare the bread, you need:
- Place 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt or sour milk in a bowl with high sides.
- Add 1 hen's egg and a little salt.
- Grind 8 tablespoons oat flakes to a powdery consistency and add to the bowl.
- Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda with vinegar and add to the batter.
- Also add 1 tablespoon of peeled pumpkin seeds and 2 tablespoons of peeled sunflower seeds.
- Stir the dough and place in a suitable baking dish.
- Bake in an oven heated to 180°C for half an hour.
It is important to remember that you can take the ready bread out of the mould only when it has cooled completely.
The preparation consists of the following steps:
- Oat flakes in the amount of 2 tablespoons pour 3 tablespoons of boiling water and leave to infuse.
- Peel 2 tangerines from the skin and seeds, and try to remove all the foils.
- Banana, peeled tangerines, oat flakes and 150 grams of classic yogurt put in a blender and whip well.
Smoothie can be served immediately.
To prepare the kvass you will need:
- Oat flakes in the amount of 1 cup thoroughly rinse and put in a glass jar.
- Pour 3 liters of water, previously brought to a temperature of 45 ° C. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar.
- Cover the jar with gauze and leave it to ferment in a warm place for 3 days.
- You can add 50 grams of raisins to the kvass for taste.
- At the end of 3 days strain the liquid through gauze.
- Then add some lemon twigs for added flavour.
Oat milk
To make a healthy drink you need to do the following steps:
- In a container with high sides pour 50 grams of oat flakes.
- Pour them ½ l of boiled but chilled water. Leave at room temperature for 12 hours.
- Use an immersion blender to blend the flakes until they are perfectly smooth.
If desired, you can strain the mass through gauze or a sieve to remove the uncrushed flakes and mucus.
Oat broth
In order to prepare the decoction, the following steps are performed:
- Oat flakes (100 grams) pour 1 liter of boiling water and bring the composition in a saucepan on the stove to boiling temperature.
- Wrap the pot in a warm blanket and insist for 1 hour.
You can strain the liquid before taking it.
Do I have to wash my oat flakes before boiling?
The flour present in oat flakes is suspicious. It is not clear where the product was before it was purchased, who and how it was processed. But it is this flour that contains the entire useful composition of the product. It is gluten, which forms a protective and enveloping mass, creating a protective barrier for the stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to wash oat flakes before cooking.
Can I Eat Dried Oat Flakes
Oat flakes can be consumed both cooked and raw. This is especially true when adding raw cereal to smoothies or smoothies. This is very useful and it is worth noting that it is delicious.
Can we give oatmeal to animals
Oatmeal differs from other cereals in the presence of a large amount of fiber, fat and calories. Therefore, sometimes animals should include oatmeal in their diet to replenish the amount of fiber in the body.
In addition, sometimes veterinarians even recommend eating oatmeal-based porridge to replenish the body with beneficial mineral components.
Interesting facts about oats
- Among all cereals, oatmeal ranks second in terms of protein content in its composition. Only buckwheat takes the leading position here. Interestingly, at one meal of oatmeal the body replenishes about 20% of the daily norm of protein.
- In Russia, oats were considered a very valuable product. Only for cooking the grain was not ground, but pounded to make bread or porridge.
- In Great Britain a championship is constantly held, where the contestants are engaged in cooking oatmeal. In the end, the jury evaluates the appearance of the finished dish, the way it is prepared, and its taste characteristics. More often than not, the Scots win this championship.
«Important: All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. information on this site is for educational purposes only. Check with your health care professional before using it. specialist before applying any recommendations. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."