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Baked apples: useful properties and contraindications

Properly cooked baked apples is an amazing dessert dish that is very tasty, as well as healthy and low-calorie. Many people were spoiled as children with this flavorful dish, but most adults don't refuse to eat baked apples either. This dessert is easy to prepare, so even an inexperienced hostess can cope with it.

Which apples are healthier: fresh or baked

It is difficult to determine which apples have more useful properties - fresh or baked, but it should be noted that they have almost the same beneficial effect on the body. The difference between fresh and heat-treated fruit is mainly in their taste and not in the content of vitamins and other elements, because the composition of fruit when baked does not change much.

In some cases, baked apples will actually be more useful than fresh ones. This applies to those people who suffer from diseases of the digestive organs, as well as young children and people who have difficulty digesting raw vegetable food with plenty of fiber. In acute gastritis (as well as in this disease with high acidity) and peptic ulcer disease, the use of fresh apples is contraindicated, but in baked form they can be eaten, but in small quantities.

Composition and calories

Cooked by baking apples contain a small amount of calories - only 45-70 kcal per 100 g. Of course, the final figure will depend on what recipe the dish is prepared according to. Adding honey, sugar, cottage cheese or other ingredients, respectively, increases the energy value of baked apples - it can reach 100 kcal per 100 grams.

Baked fruits contain B vitamins, as well as A, C (ascorbic acid we all know), PP, K, E. The dish is also rich in dietary fiber, which plays an important role in regulating the digestive processes and contributes to slow absorption of carbohydrates.

Baked apples contain trace elements: potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, boron and some others, as well as acids and pectin. If you eat the fruit together with the pips, you can also get such an important element for the body as iodine.

What are the benefits of baked apples

The benefits and harms of baked apples

General benefits

Due to the positive effects on the body, baked apples can be considered a truly useful dessert. Pectin improves digestion, eliminates toxins and has a positive effect on hair and nails. Potassium and folic acid regulate the cardiovascular system, iron increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Regular consumption of baked apples can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, diabetes and several other diseases.

For women

Baked apples should be included in the diet of women in order to improve their immunity, as well as replenish the vitamin reserves of the body. This dessert has a very positive effect on the body of almost every woman:

  1. Baked apples have a positive effect on the health of the nails and hair.
  2. The skin becomes clearer, younger and healthier when baked apples are eaten regularly.
  3. Women are less likely to develop osteoporosis.
  4. Baked apples are good for the brain, preventing age-related changes, preserving memory and sanity for years to come.
  5. Apples, including baked apples, are a prophylactic against cancer.
  6. Baked apples can be consumed during weight loss.

For men

Baked apples are useful for the male body, first of all, because they increase physical endurance, strengthen bone tissue, as well as maintain the necessary level of energy, which allows you to actively engage in sports or physical labor. In addition, baked fruits contain substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, brain and thyroid.

Baked apples prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and also slow down the aging process of the whole body. With the help of this product, men can protect their bodies from cardiovascular diseases, as it is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Also apples in any form, including baked, contribute to the restoration of male hormones.

When pregnant

It is known that during pregnancy a woman needs to consume more vitamins and minerals. For this purpose, baked apples, which contain a wide range of useful elements, including iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, fruit and organic acids, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and others, are the best choice.

Baked apples can help eliminate a pressing problem for many pregnant women - constipation. Due to the abundance of fiber, this product can act as a mild laxative, stimulating the process of digestion. Also, such a dessert will help regulate weight gain, because it is quite low-calorie. The most important element for pregnant women is iodine. It is contained in apple seeds in large quantities. To replenish the daily norm of iodine, it is enough to eat about 6-7 seeds a day.

But, despite the fact that baked apples are very useful for women in the position, they should be eaten in limited quantities, to avoid the occurrence of diarrhea. It is enough to eat only 1-2 baked fruits a day to make up for the lack of useful substances in the body and not to overload the digestive system.

When breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mother should pay special attention to her menu. To make the baby feel good, but at the same time get all the necessary vitamins and minerals through the mother's milk, when breastfeeding a woman should eat only healthy products.

During the breastfeeding period it is better to avoid fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, because a large amount of fiber can cause bloating and abdominal pain, which will certainly affect the baby. But a nursing mother can afford to eat a baked apple. The fact that after any heat treatment disintegrates some of the coarse dietary fiber, the apple is better absorbed and does not cause fermentation in the intestines.

Introduce the ration when breastfeeding baked apples should be gradually. You can first try a piece, observe the reaction of the baby, and the next day to increase the portion over time, bringing up to 1-2 baked apples a day. They will replenish the body of the mother and child with vitamins and micronutrients, as well as be a great way to diversify the menu when breastfeeding and bring the figure after childbirth to normal.

Video: 10 nutrition tips for breastfeeding mom Expand

For Babies

You can introduce baked apples into your baby's diet as early as 6 months of age. The baby will not only be able to enjoy a tasty dessert, but also get a lot of useful and nutritious substances. Thermal processing has little effect on the usefulness of apples, but in this form the fruit will be better absorbed by children.

Apples can support children's immunity, cardiovascular and nervous system function at the proper level, help with intoxication, as well as strengthen the bone and muscles.

Apples have been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. This is due to their rather high content of vitamin C, and the presence of iodine in baked apples will contribute to the mental development of the child.

When losing weight

Since apples themselves are a dietary product, when baked, they will also be suitable for consumption during weight loss. The main thing is not to add too much sugar, honey and other ingredients, which will only increase the energy value. Baked apples are delicious on their own, but you can sprinkle them with cinnamon or, if you get a sour variety, add a little honey. You can prepare baked apples with low-fat cottage cheese, which is also a great option for breakfast, dinner or dessert when losing weight.

Diet on baked apples
Before following any diet, it is important to check your health status. Also, you should not follow any diet longer than one week and repeat it not earlier than in a month. For the rest of the time it is better to limit the caloric content of the diet and add physical activity.

Menu of a diet on baked apples looks like this: 6-7 fruits baked without sugar or with a little honey or cinnamon divided into 3-4 meals and eat throughout the day. If you are too hungry, you can add 1-2 glasses of kefir or two boiled eggs. During the diet, it is better to exclude intense exercise, as well as to give up coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.

A day of dieting on baked apples
Consuming only baked apples during the day, you can not only lose weight, get rid of edema, eliminate constipation, but also replenish the stores of vitamins and minerals. For a discharge day you should prepare 5-7 baked apples and eat them during the day when you feel hunger. It is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water, green tea, a cup of black coffee per day. The result of such a discharge day will be noticeable the next morning - a fresh complexion, lightness in the whole body and, of course, minus on the scales. However, you should not repeat the discharge day on baked apples too often - just once a week is enough to keep your figure and health in full order.

Baked apples in medicine

Apple is considered one of the most useful fruits for the human body. Even our grandmothers used to say that it is necessary to eat one apple every day to maintain health, youth and beauty for many years. Indeed, this fruit is very valuable, it is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine - folk and traditional. Consider the effect of apples on the body in some diseases.

Baked Apples in Medicine

In diabetes

Since baked apples have a low glycemic index, they are allowed to people with diabetes. Baked apples can be present in the menu of diabetics in an amount of 1-2 pieces. This amount is usually enough to saturate the body with useful substances, clean the blood from harmful cholesterol, normalize digestion, and lower insulin levels.

Baked apples can help diabetics keep their weight within limits, of course, if consumed in moderation. It is recommended to eat this dessert after the main meal as a dessert or to replace unhealthy snacks with it.

Important: The glycemic index of baked apples is 35 units.

In case of pancreatitis.

People suffering from pancreatitis can eat baked apples, but only when the disease is in remission. It is also better to choose only sweet varieties for baking, peeling the skin at the same time. A day patient with pancreatitis is allowed to eat 1-2 baked apples, this will not overload the pancreas and will saturate the body with necessary substances.

Baked apples help to fight pancreatitis because they have reduced acidity. They do not have a significant load on the pancreas and are easily digested, and the fiber they contain contributes to proper digestion, without causing bloating and abdominal pain, which cannot be said about raw fruits.

For gastritis

Apples are allowed for gastritis, but in this disease it is better to eat them baked. Also gastritis with high acidity of the stomach is a contraindication for the consumption of sour varieties. If the acidity is reduced, on the contrary, it is better to choose more sour apples.

Experts also advise to give up apples, even baked, if gastritis is in the stage of exacerbation. And with remission of the disease, you can eat this product in an amount of 1-2 pieces per day. It is allowed to add sugar, honey or other additives when baked, which will make the dessert even tastier.

For the intestines.

Apples are one of the healthiest foods for the intestines. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls and promotes proper digestion. Apples do not stay long in the stomach and are already digested in the intestines if they are eaten separately from other foods.

For swelling

Baked apples are an excellent remedy for eliminating excess fluid from the body and normalizing kidney function. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to eat 1-2 baked apples a day, which will improve well-being, relieve pain syndrome in various kidney diseases, as well as to remove fine sand from the kidneys.

For constipation

Baked apples can eliminate problems with digestion, gently removing masses accumulated in the intestines, getting rid of constipation and abdominal pain caused by it. However, the use of baked apples should be limited, as eating this dessert in large quantities, on the contrary, will cause bloating and fermentation processes in the intestines. Baked apples quickly eliminate constipation, as they have the property of softening the walls of the intestine, removing the stool mass. Improvement of stools can be noticed after 2-3 days of regular use of fruits (3-4 pieces per day).

Sometimes baked apples not only do not help in the fight against constipation, but also provoke them. This is the case, for example, with gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. Also provoke constipation too sweet varieties of apples and poorly washed fruits. In some cases, they may cause not only constipation but also nausea and vomiting.

For diarrhea.

Baked apples have adsorbing and antimicrobial properties, so that the pathogenic microflora in the intestines are destroyed, being replaced by normal. Thanks to these same properties, baked fruits are able to eliminate diarrhea, as well as in general to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In colitis

In such a disease as colitis, it is allowed to eat baked apples, but no more than 1-2 pieces per day. Also, preference should be given to sweet varieties of fruit, since excessive acidity should be avoided in colitis. You can bake apples with sugar, honey or cottage cheese. Almost any variant of cooking baked fruit is suitable for people suffering from colitis. This dessert will not only alleviate the condition of the patient, but will also be an excellent substitute for harmful sweets, which certainly should not be eaten with colitis.

For the liver

Baked apples can be of great benefit to the liver. They contain substances that unload the organ, restoring its cells naturally. And the large amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances contributes to the recovery of not only the liver, but also the whole body.

To normalize liver function, it is necessary not only to consume certain products, but also to monitor the lifestyle as a whole - to include sports, control diet, eliminate alcohol, smoking, and avoid stress and strong nervous shocks.

In cholecystitis

With infectious inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), certain restrictions should be observed. In addition to drug treatment, the patient needs to adhere to a certain menu. So, during the exacerbation of the disease, it is forbidden to eat a large amount of protein and fatty foods, as this can aggravate the situation.

With acute cholecystitis, doctors prescribe patients table number 5a, which includes only pureed protein-free products. At the same time, it is important to take food in small portions, several times a day. In the remission stage, it is possible to add foods not only in the form of mashed potatoes, and also include a small amount of protein in the menu.

Not all fruits and vegetables can be included in the menu of a patient with cholecystitis. However, baked apples are not on the list of foods that are banned. Little by little, peeling from the skin, you can eat fruits baked with sugar, honey or without additives. During remission of the disease, you can prepare baked apples with cottage cheese and sour cream, and eat them together with the peel.

To boost the immune system

Regular consumption of baked apples can significantly improve the immunity and, as a consequence, the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases. This is achieved mainly due to the high content of vitamin C, which the body constantly needs. To get the therapeutic effect it is necessary to eat apples with the peel, in the amount of 2-3 pieces per day. For children, 1-2 fruits a day is enough to increase immunity and improve the overall condition of the body.

Harm and contraindications

Baked apples - a dish that has almost no contraindications, and therefore does not bring harm to health. On the contrary, these fruits both fresh and baked have only positive effects on the body.

Some pregnant and nursing women are afraid to eat red apples, because they believe that they are very allergic. Indeed, these fruits contain allergens, but when baked, they are almost completely destroyed. This means that red apples can be eaten in moderation.

Sometimes baked apples can be contraindicated for consumption. As a rule, this applies to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are in the acute stage. If there are doubts about whether you can or cannot eat apples in a particular case, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to store baked apples

Of course, almost all dishes taste better and are healthier to eat immediately after cooking, and this applies to baked apples as well. But sometimes there is a need to store baked apples. In this case, it is important to know how long and under what conditions this dish is stored.

How to Store Baked Apples

The baked fruit should be cooled and immediately put in a sealed container, and then placed in the refrigerator. They can be stored for 2-3 days, preferably warmed up a little before use. Of course, the taste of just cooked baked apples is different from those that have been stored for a couple of days. The appearance also changes - they become shriveled, lose their color and flavor.

Can I freeze

If you want to preserve the fruit for the winter, and the usual ways in the form of jam, pickling, drying, etc. are rather bored, you can try freezing baked apples. To do this, peel the fruit, remove the seeds, cut into slices and bake in the oven. Then cool, put into bags and freeze. You can beat the apples with a blender, and in the cold season use the resulting puree for making various desserts, baking, etc.

If you need to keep baked apples in whole for a week or more, you can try the following freezing option. Cool the baked fruit, place it in the freezer in a single layer, freeze it, then put it in a bag and put it back in the freezer. Keep frozen apples for a year.

What to eat baked apples

Baked apples are a dish that's good for just about everyone. The fruit dessert in most cases does not cause adverse reactions, of course, provided that the norms of its consumption are followed. Excessive eating of baked apples will not be beneficial, but the negative effects may appear after a few hours - upset stool, bloating, abdominal pain.

It is recommended to eat baked apples after the main meal as a dessert. This way, the fruit will contribute to faster digestion of the rest of the food, and will not cause discomfort in the stomach. This does not apply to apples baked with cottage cheese, dried fruit and other additives. Such a dessert can already be considered an independent dish, which can replace one of the meals - breakfast, snack or dinner.

It should also be noted that baked apples should be eaten with the peel, as it contains most of the vitamins and other useful substances. If you want, you can also eat the seeds, but no more than 5-7 pieces per day. Apple seeds contain an element necessary for a person - iodine, which is often lacking in the inhabitants of Russia.

How much you can eat per day

It is enough for an adult to eat up to 3 baked apples a day, for children - 1-2 fruits, for diabetics and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - no more than 1 fruit a day. Uncontrolled eating of the dessert threatens to cause adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, and can also be the cause of exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

Is it possible to eat at night and on an empty stomach?

Can I eat baked apples on an empty stomach and at bedtime? To answer this question, it is enough to understand that baked apples are a dessert. Like all carbohydrate-containing foods, it is not recommended to eat fruit immediately before bedtime. In general, it is not advisable to eat any other food at night, as the excessive load on the intestines will not contribute to a sound and healthy sleep.

On an empty stomach, baked apples are eaten only in some cases: when dieting and when it is necessary to quickly eliminate constipation. Eaten on an empty stomach fruit allows you to quickly clear the intestines, for the same reason they should not be eaten at night.

What to mix it with

Baked apples can be eaten without additives, as the dessert itself will be delicious and healthy. But if the usual taste is already bored, you can diversify it with various additions, such as honey, cinnamon, cottage cheese, sour cream, dried fruits, nuts, sweet syrups, etc.

Every nationality has its own favorite recipe for baked apples. For example, Americans bake the fruit with maple syrup and serve them with pancakes, Russians are used to adding honey and cinnamon to baked apples. There are many others, from simple to original recipes for baked apples, but then you have to take into account that with the addition of ingredients will increase and the caloric content of the final dish.

How to properly bake apples: recipes

When baked, apples almost do not lose their useful properties. Therefore, you can safely replace fresh fruit with baked fruit. In this form, the fiber from fruits will be better absorbed without causing bloating and stomach pain. To bake apples, you can use the oven, multicooker or microwave. In each case, you will get an incredibly delicious and healthy dessert. Of course, it is important to find really good apples - not too sour, but also not too sweet, and if necessary, add other ingredients. Let's consider the most popular ways of baking.

How to Properly Bake Apples

In the oven

The most common way to bake apples is in the oven. For each of them, it is important to choose high-quality and delicious fruit. For example, apples should not have a very thin skin, so that in the process of cooking it does not crack, it is also better to give preference to sour-sweet varieties. There are several recipes for cooking baked apples in the oven, let's consider the simplest and tastiest of them:

  1. Simple baked apple. Already from the name it is clear that no special knowledge and effort to prepare this dish is required. Apples should be washed, core removed, the tops cut off, if desired, fill the apple cups with dried fruit, cottage cheese, honey, sprinkle with sugar or add a little butter. The dish will be delicious without any additives. Place the prepared apples on a baking tray and place in the oven. Bake the dessert for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  2. A classic recipe for baked apples is with nuts and honey. To prepare such a dish, you need to choose high-quality fruits, wash them, remove the core, stuff apples with a mixture of honey and nuts, sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar. Then place the pieces on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  3. "Apple boats" is a recipe for baked apples, which are especially loved by children. To make baked apple slices you need to take the fruit itself, cut in half, remove the seeds and "tails", leave the skin. Place apples on a baking tray, skin side down, bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. After that, take out, cool, fill with previously brought to a boil mixture of milk (100 ml), starch (1 tsp.), cocoa (1 tsp.), sugar (3 tbsp.), butter (30 g) and one egg yolk. The ingredients are taken in the volume calculated for the preparation of 3 large apples (6 boats). Together with the filling, bake the boats for another 10 minutes, then serve immediately.

In the microwave

Baked apples are a fairly simple dish to prepare. However, deciding to bake apples in the microwave, you need to know and follow some recommendations:

  1. Before placing the apples in the microwave, they should be pierced with a toothpick or knife in several places. This way they will not crack and will bake well inside.
  2. There is no need to drain the baking juice - you can sprinkle it on the apples before serving, making them juicier and more appetizing.
  3. Depending on the size of the apples, the baking time will vary. Thus, the process of cooking this dish can take from 3 to 10 minutes.
  4. When baking with stuffing, you need to leave at least a centimeter peel, so that the apple in the process of cooking does not fall apart.

You can prepare baked apples not only whole, but also cut them into slices, lay them in layers, add the filling and get an amazingly delicious casserole.

Now let's look at several recipes for baked apples in the microwave, which can be prepared by every housewife:

  1. Apples with cinnamon and honey in the microwave are prepared as follows: for 2 medium fruits you need to take 2-3 tbsp of honey, 2 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tsp of ground ginger. Wash the apples, cut out the core, pierce several times with a toothpick. Fill the holes with honey mixed with ginger and cinnamon, put in a deep container for the microwave and bake on medium power for 5-7 minutes. Serve the dessert with a sprinkling of powdered sugar or cinnamon.
  2. Apples baked with honey - a delicious treat for children and adults. This vitamin dessert is easy to prepare, you need to take 2 large apples, 2 tablespoons of honey, 40 grams of prunes and raisins. The fruits are washed, cut out the cores, which are filled with a mixture of prunes, raisins and honey (pre-washed dried fruits). Place the apples in a container for the microwave and bake for 5-7 minutes on high power.
  3. A simple recipe for baked apples - with sugar. To prepare this dish, you will need medium-sized apples and sugar. Wash the fruit, remove the core (optional), sprinkle with sugar (10 g per medium apple) and bake in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes on medium power. You can add a little butter for flavor and aroma.
Video: recipe for baked apples in the microwave Expand

In the multicooker

You can cook baked apples in the multicooker. For this, you need to choose hard, sour-sweet apples, the variety "Antonovka" or "Semerenko" will do. There are many recipes for baking apples in the multicooker, the most successful are the following:

  1. Apples with honey and cinnamon - a favorite treat for many in the fall. Medium-sized fruit should be carefully washed, remove the core and cut off the top. In the resulting holes put honey and cinnamon, cover the remaining "lids", put in a container of a multicooker and turn on the mode "Baking" for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the delicious and fragrant dessert will be ready. Serve the apples, sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar and putting a ball of ice cream next to it.
  2. Apples baked with nuts are prepared as follows. For 5-6 small apples you need 2 tablespoons of sugar, a handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts), some cinnamon and butter. The fruit should be washed, remove the core, leaving a shell of at least 1 cm. Chop the nuts, mix them with sugar and cinnamon, fill the apples with this mixture and put them into a bowl of a multicooker greased with butter. Set the mode "Bake" for half an hour and wait until the dish is ready.
  3. Baked apples with cottage cheese - a delicious and healthy treat, which will replace the usual porridge for breakfast or become a great snack during the day. To prepare apples according to this recipe, you need to take 5-6 medium-sized fruits, wash, cut out the core to make a small hole. Mix the cottage cheese (about 200 g for this amount of apples) with 2 tbsp. raisins or chopped apricots, 2 tbsp. Put the curd mixture into the apples, sprinkle with sugar and a pinch of vanilla, and place in a greased buttered multicooker to bake. Cook apples for about 30 minutes, for hard varieties you may need 40-45 minutes. Serve to the table is best when cooled, garnished with powdered sugar.

In a pan

The easiest and most affordable way to make baked apples for everyone is in a frying pan. Depending on taste preferences, you can bake the fruit with honey, cottage cheese, cinnamon, dried fruit, nuts and other fillings or sugar.

Apples before baking should be thoroughly washed, remove seeds and all excess, put the filling or sprinkle with sugar, put the fruit in a greased butter pan, cover and put on low heat. Apples will be ready at the moment when they are well browned on top. Place the dessert on plates and sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

Another option for cooking baked apples in a pan - in slices. To do this, the fruits should be washed, cut into not very thick slices, put on a greased pan, sprinkle with sugar or honey, add a little cinnamon and cook over low heat. As a rule, apples will be ready in 20-30 minutes. If you add a filling, such as cottage cheese, dried fruit or nuts, you get a fragrant and delicious apple casserole.

With cottage cheese

To prepare delicious baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese, it takes very little effort and time. This dish is best made with sour-sweet varieties of apples of large or medium size. It is best to choose green or yellow apples, and it is preferable to eat red ones fresh. Also, the fruit should be firm enough so that it doesn't fall apart during baking and lose its shape.

Baked Apples with Cheese

For this dish, it is better to choose not too dry, but not very fatty, for example, 9 percent. If it is too dry, you can add a little sour cream, if liquid - squeeze out the excess whey. The cottage cheese, before putting it in the apples, should be rubbed through a sieve, mixed with sugar, vanilla, dried fruits, nuts or any other additives. Then put the filling in the apples (in the holes from the cut out core) and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Baked apples with cottage cheese are best cooked in the oven, but if you do not have one, you can try making this dish in the multicooker or microwave. If you like the apples to be juicy, you can add a little water to the container. Also, do not forget to poke the apples with a toothpick, so they do not crack during baking. The finished dish should be served chilled, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar or garnished as desired.

With honey

Baked apples with honey is a classic recipe for making this dish. You will need 3-5 medium-sized apples, 7-9 spoons of fresh honey (preferably buckwheat honey), and cinnamon sticks. Apples should be washed, wiped with a towel, cut out the core, leaving the walls at least 1 cm thick, then fill the holes with honey and bake in the oven for half an hour. You can cook apples with honey in the microwave, multicooker or even in a frying pan - in any case, you get a delicious and healthy dessert that adults and children love.

With cinnamon

Apples baked with cinnamon - a great dessert for those who watch their weight and health. To prepare such apples is easy. You need to take a few ripe but not overripe apples, preferably of the sour-sweet variety, not very soft. Wash the fruit, cut it in half or cut into slices, discarding the seeds and all the excess, put it in a baking dish, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, if necessary, and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Ready apples cool, serve with ice cream or just as a separate dessert. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top, put cinnamon sticks or mint sprigs.

Apples with cinnamon can also be baked whole. To do this, choose not too large fruit, and not very sour. If you need to add sweetness, you can add honey or sprinkle apples with sugar. Whole fruits are baked longer than sliced ones - about 45 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

Interesting facts about apples

Apples are the most common fruit all over the world. It is loved in different countries, but cooked in their own way everywhere. Also about apples we know a lot of myths, and there are interesting facts that have scientific justification:

Interesting Facts about Apples

  1. The homeland of apples is Kazakhstan. It was on the territory of this country that ancient people first discovered the delicious and fragrant fruits. The capital of Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, has a name that means "The Father of Apples". There is even a monument to the apple in this city, which is made of real marble and is located on Mount Kok-Tube.
  2. According to archaeological data, the apple tree is the first tree that man began to cultivate. For the first time he managed to do it 6500 years ago.
  3. The English sounding word apple has a connection with the ancient Greek name of Apollo. This is explained by the fact that in ancient Greece, the apple tree was considered the sacred tree of Apollo.
  4. Apple trees can live and bear fruit for a very long time. But the oldest apple tree that still bears fruit today is the one planted by Peter Stuyvesant in 1647.
  5. The largest scale of apple production belongs to China, contrary to the popular opinion that Russians like this fruit most of all.
  6. If you count the area of all apple orchards in the world, you get a figure of more than 5 million hectares.
  7. There are about 7,000 varieties of apple around the world, but breeders do not stop there and breed new varieties. Some of them are ornamental, others are used for technical purposes, and only 100 varieties are used for direct consumption as food.
  8. Some varieties of apple tree can reach 12 meters in height. But for industrial and personal use, 2-3 meter high apple trees bred artificially by breeders are grown.
  9. Apples do not sink. If you drop the fruit into the water, you can see it float because it contains enough air.
  10. The main amount of vitamins and other nutrients are contained in the peel of the apple. This is something to keep in mind for those who prefer to peel before eating the fruit.
  11. The British believe that just two apples a day can prolong a person's youth and beauty, as well as protect against Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
  12. Depending on the color of the rind, the fruit will have varying degrees of usefulness. Thus, the most valuable for the human body is considered to be red, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Green apples are slightly less useful, but they contain substances that have a positive effect on the health of the teeth and gums.
  13. Just two apples can give you a daily allowance of dietary fiber, which is good for digestion.
  14. If an apple is "dug" by a worm, you can be sure that this fruit is grown without the use of chemical additives.

«Important: All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, please consult your health care professional. specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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